
Quicksilver Health Plan - 2024

    • Preventive care
    • Emergency care
    • Physician services
    • Benefit payment levels
    • Calendar-year deductible
    • Inpatient hospital services


Option 1:
    • BlueCross Aware HSA $4,000 Deductible Plan
    • Employee only: $139.19/pay cycle
    • Employee + Spouse: $576.41/pay cycle
    • Employee + Children: $616.15/pay cycle
    • Family: $1,053.39/pay cycle
    • Cost will be automatically deducted from each paycheck


Option 2:
    • BlueCross Aware HSA $6,500 Deductible Plan
    • Employee only: $77.15/pay cycle
    • Employee + Spouse: $446.15/pay cycle
    • Employee + Children: $479.68/pay cycle
    • Family: $848.69/pay cycle
    • Cost will be automatically deducted from each paycheck


Option 3:
    • BlueCross Aware HSA $8,050 Deductible Plan
    • Employee only: $51.01/pay cycle
    • Employee + Spouse: $391.25/pay cycle
    • Employee + Children: $422.17/pay cycle
    • Family: $762.42/pay cycle
    • Cost will be automatically deducted from each paycheck


Benefit Eligibility:
  • New Employee Eligibility: First day of next month following 60-day probationary period
  • Rehired Employee: Eligible on first day of next month if rehired within 6 months so long as they had insurance prior
  • If no insurance prior, employee would need to wait the 60-day probationary period
  • Full-Time Status: any employee who works more than 130 hours/month
2024 Health Resource (Small)

Group Accident Insurance

  • Prescription coverage
  • Ambulance ride coverage
  • Major diagnostic coverage
  • Emergency room visit coverage
  • Surgery and anesthesia coverage
  • Benefits are paid directly to you, unless otherwise assigned

  • Cost:
  • Employee Cost: free of charge for full time
  • Dependent Spouse: $3.49 per pay period
  • Dependent Child(ren): $6.36 per pay period
  • Dependent Spouse + Child(ren): $9.85 per pay period

  • Enrollment:

    To buy-up for your family or set up an appointment, email

    *Call enrollment center for exact monthly costs

Accident Insurance Details

Group Disability Insurance

  • Off-job only coverage
  • Benefits help you maintain your standard of living
  • Benefits are paid directly to you unless you choose otherwise
  • Benefits are paid when you are sick, hurt, or unable to work
  • Minimum to Maximum Total Monthly Benefit - $300 to $6,000
  • Wage protection that can help you and your family if you become injured or sick
  • Zero day wait period for injuries and a 14-day wait period for illnesses - until lost wages kick in

  • Cost:

    The cost of disability insurance is based on your age and yearly wage averages $45/month*


    To buy-up for your family or set up an appointment, email

    *Call enrollment center for exact monthly costs

Disability Insurance Details-1

Health Savings Account

  • Money is not taxed
  • No "use it or lose it" rule
  • More flexibility and choice
  • Invest and grow your money
  • Even out medical expenses highs and lows
HSA Essential Guide

Paid Parental Leave

  • Quicksilver will provide up to two weeks (up to 80 hours) of Paid Parental Leave
  • If a multiple birth occurs (for example, the birth of twins), the length of Paid Parental Leave granted for that event does not increase
  • Paid Parental Leave may be taken prior to birth due to medical reasons or immediately following the date of birth of a child
  • A "day" of Paid Parental Leave is equal to a regularly scheduled day up to 8 hours per day maximum (40 hours per week maximum)

Dental Insurance

  • Delta Dental PPO
  • Deductible $50/person, $150/Family
  • Diagnostic & Preventive Services covered at 100%
  • Employee only: $21.03/pay cycle
  • Employee + Spouse: $84.52/month
  • Employee + Children: $79.48/month
  • Family: $136.68/month

Vision Insurance

  • Blue Cross Plan
  • Eye Exams, Prescription Glasses and Contact Lenses
  • Cost:
  • Employee only: $3.18 pay cycle ($6.36/month)
  • Employee + Spouse- $12.70/month
  • Employee + Children - $12.34/month
  • Family - $20/month